Enter The Cortex is a graphic novel choose-your-adventure type game created in the span of 48 hours based on the theme "Out of Control". The primary idea of the game is that player and other characters are not free to make their own decisions in this universe called the Cortex.

NOTE: The game may take a few seconds to load, this is because HD images are used, please be patient.

About Me:

I'm a 13 year old Javascript programmer, I code games in my free time. This game exists because I was itching to join a game jam, and GMTK was going to start in a day, so I painstakingly waited for the GMTK stream to start and my game idea immediately popped into my head when the theme was announced. I've been wanting to make a game like this for a while, but I just never took the time to learn how. This jam definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me try new things, that is why I love short jams like this.

Game Art:

I drew most of the art in Adobe Flash.  Some would call me an artist, but I still have a lot to learn. The jam took place in 48 hours, so I didn't have time to do my very best ( also I'm very impatient ), but the art is good enough for a jam in my opinion. I also used  the Blender Cycles Renderer to spice things up.


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Unfortunately the buttons are a bit off, Which is really annoying.

If you're having trouble with the button choices, that was intentional. Sorry if it was confusing, but not being able to choose what you want some times was my implementation of the theme. 😅

doesnt work

I can't get past the initial screen... Sorry abt that

(1 edit)

Are you talking about the title screen?

If that's the case, then you might have to aim your mouse a little above the button because of how javascript mouse detection works. If your on mobile, it won't work, I have to fix that later.


Very cool for a first jam, and a particularly interesting take on the theme :)

most impressive

cool stor

could'nt got past the first screen

Bug report. collision on the buttons dont work very well

The collision for the buttons is a bit wonky. Each time only about 1 button works. I hace no idea what is even going on in the novel.

Sorry if it was confusing, but is the point of the game, you're not in control of what choice you want to pick, the Cortex decides...

Ok, it is more clear now that I got more into it. Im going to rerate with a better informed guess. Just saying though, I legit thought it was a glitch, considering that the the sensing is a bit off :/ 

Oh, i know, you could have it say "are you sure" and put you back into the position you were before!