Left click to start and left click people to see what happens

I'd like to see how fast you can beat it!

Getting in depth

As you know, this is a game created for the Fxck Capitalism game jam. The goal of the game is simple: use your powers to whisper to people to convince them the Cube in the center is valuable and worth killing for. You can see the pretty clear metaphor for capitalism and more specifically, tribalism and us vs them-ism that stems from capitalism.

Mechanically, when you left click on a "person" what happens is a value is added to their "anger" depending on how strong their tendency towards violence is. People with a high tendency towards violence have a warning when you hover over them with your mouse. When their anger gets to a certain point, they have a chance to look for someone of the other color to kill. When someone is killed, the people of that color all get slightly angrier despite their tendency towards violence. Eventually, the game will get to the point where everyone is angry and looking to kill so then a war happens. Whichever color comes out victorious shows up in the end screen along with the music.

About me

Hi. I'm a person who makes games sometimes. I go by freemelons1 or freemelons on this website. I'm 16 and I entered my first game jam when I was 13 I think. I can't remember the first game I made, but I remember the first one I finished. I was probably around 12 or 11.

Why did I make this game

The truth is, I never really wanted to do this again. I made a game at the beginning of this year during spring break. It was about tennis. I really put my heart into it but not as many people played it as I expected. That really discouraged me from putting effort into anything for a long time because I thought it would just be rejected, but I've been trying to turn that around and have fun with creation again. I thought back to my first game jam and what made that so enjoyable. It was about the crunch and the short bursts of energy to create something beautiful in a short amount of  time. It was about the feeling that I was a genius solving problems with limited resources. I started on this game jam very late and gave my  self as little time as possible to replicate that, and it worked. I feel that sense of accomplishment I hadn't felt in a while.

What is this game

This is a game inspired from one  of my earlier games called "Vibe Simulator." It's supposed to give you the feeling that things are happening that are out of your control and the people have minds of their own. Of course it's obvious that it's just predetermined  speech, though.

How is this game

This game was made in... some hours, I didn't count, but it's probably around 7 with Javascript and HTML obviously. Javascript is a great language for just stitching something together real quick. Or... it isn't, it depends who  you ask. It is a very easy language, but it also has some serious problems that can make it daunting for new programmers, like how it will straight up not tell you if you make a typo or put the wrong operator. Javascript will do this thing where it will assume you know what you're doing and interpret around what you wrote. Other languages will at least give you a warning or straight up give you an error. Javascript is my baby though and I love her. We go WAY back.

When is this game

This game was made during the summer before my junior year. If you have any suggestions for colleges that offer computer science tell me in the comments. I want to go somewhere that's a small town with a tight-knit community where I can know everyone (in America).

I forgot to change the  "it's" to "its"...

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